Forge new pacts: How community building and micro-communities drive growth in gaming

Gamers play as multiple characters in diverse stories. They are heroes of countless worlds. Now imagine if, as a brand, you could speak to every single one of those heroes, writes Ishank Gupta, Elder Member Council, Kratos Gaming Network.

By  Storyboard18Apr 26, 2024 8:57 AM
Forge new pacts: How community building and micro-communities drive growth in gaming
By nurturing a thriving micro-community, brands tap into the power of the network effect. As the community grows and thrives, it attracts even more members, further amplifying brand awareness and engagement, says Ishank Gupta, Elder Member Council, Kratos Gaming Network.

The gaming industry pulsates with the energy of vibrant communities and gamers hailing from diverse backgrounds. Young demographics in regions like South Asia, the Middle East, and LATAM, fueled by a mobile gaming boom, represent a goldmine for brands seeking passionate and engaged audiences. But traditional advertising, in this crowded arena, often struggles to forge a connection. Here's where fostering trust and commitment within micro-communities emerges as the ultimate game-changer for brand growth, and leveraging Web3 and blockchain technology can be the key to unlocking its full potential.

Take the example of a brand selling high-performance mobile gaming peripherals. Instead of a scattershot advertising approach, what if they built a thriving community of mobile esports enthusiasts? Within this space, players strategize, share tips and celebrate victories. This is where the brand steps in—not as a hawker, but as a trusted ally. By offering valuable insights and showcasing products designed for the specific needs of this micro-community, the brand fosters trust—the bedrock of a lasting relationship.

Gaming communities provide brands with a reach not limited by geographical boundaries — this presents a unique opportunity for brands. Engaging with these micro-communities fosters a deeper understanding of gamer preferences and purchasing habits across demographics. This knowledge then fuels the creation of targeted campaigns and products that resonate with a broader audience.

Here's where the magic happens. By nurturing a thriving micro-community, brands tap into the power of the network effect. As the community grows and thrives, it attracts even more members, further amplifying brand awareness and engagement. This creates a self-perpetuating flywheel – the more the community benefits from the brand, the more invested they become, leading to organic promotion and advocacy.

Community members become vocal supporters, sharing positive experiences and recommending products to their peers, further accelerating brand growth. The future of community building in gaming lies in leveraging Web3 and blockchain technology. By default, gaming communities are driven by a collective of people, just like in blockchains and web3. By virtue of this similarity, it’s intuitive for the gaming community to rely on behaviours and tools that augment the collective ethos rather than a centralised ethos. By offering unique incentives and rewards through secure and transparent mechanisms, brands can further strengthen their commitment to the community. Exclusive in-game items represented as NFTs, or tournaments with on- chain prizes will serve as unique and personalised rewards. These newer avenues not only excite the community but also foster a sense of ownership and value within the brand ecosystem.

While initial investments in community building may seem daunting, the return on investment (ROI) is immense in the long run. It's not just about immediate sales. By building a strong community, brands not only save on marketing costs but also drive retention and shoot up the lifetime value of a community member. Traditional advertising struggles to achieve this.

The gaming industry thrives on a sense of community. This approach not only drives sales but also cultivates dedicated brand advocates who communicate brand messages with unwavering commitment.

So here’s the winning formula for brands in this ever-evolving world of gaming— build genuine connections, create tailor-made experiences for micro-communities and use Web3 technology advantageously to achieve sustainable growth and imprint your presence in the hearts and minds of gamers.

The author of the piece is Ishank Gupta, Elder Member Council, Kratos Gaming Network. Views expressed are personal.

First Published on Apr 26, 2024 8:57 AM

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