Prasar Bharati has released 'Content Sourcing Policy' applicable for linear channels and digital platforms including OTT or any other medium of broadcast/telecast/streaming and sourcing of content for Akashvani.
The latest set of guidelines, released on August 9, supersedes all guidelines and amendments issued in the past. The content sourced through this policy is to be in accordance with the Programme and Advertising Code of Prasar Bharati.
For the first time, the pubcaster has mentioned special provisions for its upcoming OTT platform. It has been mentioned that initially, the allotment for streaming by the application partners on its OTT platform will be for 03 years. It also outlined broad categories of channels on its platform which includes News & Current Affairs- both in Hindi and English, GECs-both regional and national and other language channels.
Further, provisions for the advertisement insertion on its OTT platform has also been outlined. The pubcaster also reserves the right to increase or decrease the capacity of platform for on-boarding private channels.
The Public Service Broadcaster apart from building content repositories on its own, sources content through a variety of modes to gain additional content to share with audiences based on their wants, needs, and interests. These policy guidelines outlined the process, provision and framework required to be followed for the sourcing/acquisition of the content through various modes for different platforms of Prasar Bharati.
Modes of collaboration for OTT
Prasar Bharati may engage with different OTT players in the market for Application in Application (App-in-App)collaboration for OTT. The proposals received through NIPP will be processed on case-to-case basis after the detailed preview of application content.
The proposals for such collaboration may be invited through a NIPP on website platforms under Prasar Bharatiand/or on any other communication platform as deemed fit.
On-boarding of App-in-App on Prasar Bharati’s OTT platform shall be through transparent and non-discriminatory procedure.
All application received through NIPP shall be reviewed and shortlisted by designated committee constituted with approval of CEO PB. The Committee will recommend the on-boarding Application on PB OTT platform based on the criteria approved by CEO, PB. Thereafter, the concerned Content Sourcing Division shall send the proposal(s) to ADG (P) (HQ) / Senior official holding charge of Programme Wing at Doordarshan Directorate (HQ) for approval of DG, DD. Final approval of the proposal(s) will be accorded by CEO, PB on the recommendation of DG,DD.
Prasar Bharati reserves the right to review the process and terms & conditions for on-boarding of Applications on the OTT platform from time to time.
Special terms and conditions under this include:
- The App’s content should comply with Programme& Advertising Code of Prasar Bharati or any other guidelines/order/code 6s specified by the Government or any other regulatory body in respect of content streamed on Prasar Bharati’s OTT platform.
- The App’s content shall remain throughout the term in compliance with Applicable Law (including, but not limited to, the Information Technology Act, 2021 and the rules thereto (“IT Act”), and the Bharat Nyay Sanhita, 2024)
- The App and its owner company should not be blacklisted/ Suspended by any Government Body or Authority.
- The revenue share from the contents shared in as Subscription or Transaction backed Video on Demand (The content by the partner application which has been kept behind the pay-walls of partner application) will be in the ratio of 65:35 of the net revenue earned for the partner application through Prasar Bharti's platform (65% to Content Provider Application & 35 % to Prasar Bharati). Net revenue for this purpose is defined as revenue earned from the subscription of the partner App after adjusting all costs borne by Prasar Bharati for the App, such as transcoding cost, CDN cost, player cost etc. as applicable.
- Prasar Bharti shall Provide to all application partners a dashboard which shall depict salient details with regard to viewership of the content provided by partner application.
- Application partners will be required to raise invoice based on report for payment by Prasar Bharati,
Content from the Partner App:
-It shall be the responsibility of the Application partners to comply with Programme Advertising Code of Prasar Bharati or any other guidelines/order/code as specified by the Government Or any other regulatory body in respect of content streamed on Prasar Bharati’s OTT platform.
- if Prasar Bharati receives notice from any Person or otherwise has reason to believe that content violates any relevant provisions/rules/guidelines or if Prasar Bharati receives any order of any Government Authority in relation to any content, the any such content will be reviewed by the designated committee of Prasar Bharati and decision will be taken accordingly.
- initially the allotment for streaming by the Application partners on OTT platform will be for a period of 03 year from the date on which streaming is made available to the Application partners. The term may be further extended on mutually agreed terms.
- Application partners will indemnify Prasar Bharati for any kind of violation of digital or other rights of content streamed by the Application partners on OTT platform. Geographical restrictions of Digital rights etc, if any, will be conveyed by the successful Application partners prior to on-boarding of the Application.
- Prasar Bharati reserves the right to suspend/cancel the agreement in case of violation of the terms of agreement and also to review the selection process/terms & conditions during the agreement period.
Streaming Collaboration with Satellite Channels and FAST Channel (Free Ad-Supported Streaming TV)
Prasar Bharati may explore the possibilities of on-boarding the Linear Satellite Channels and FAST Channel (Free Ad-Supported Streaming TV) for the OTT Platform. The initial period of such on-boarding will be One year and Prasar Bharati reserves the right to modify It based on the learning and market feedback,
- On-boarding of TV Channels for streaming on Prasar Bharati’s OTT platform shall be through transparent and non-discriminatory procedure. All application received through NIPP shall be reviewed and shortlisted by designated committee constituted with approval of CEO PB. - The Committee will recommend the on-boarding Satellite Channel/Fat Channel on PB OTT platform based on the criteria approved by CEO, PB. Thereafter, the concerned Division shall send the proposal(s) to ADG (P) (HQ) / Senior official holding charge of Programme Wing at Doordarshan Directorate (HQ) for approval of DG, DD. Final approval of the proposal(s) will be accorded by CEO, PB on the recommendation of DG,DD.
Prasar Bharati reserves the right to review the process, categorization of channels & terms & conditions for on-boarding of channels from time to time.
The pubcaster also reserves the right to increase or decrease the capacity of platform for on-boarding private channels.
To further public interest objectives of OTT platform and to sustain genre diversity on the platform, some capacity may be reserved for genres/language deemed to be in public interest.
It is to be noted that only satellite channels, permitted/licensed by the Ministry of 1&B for downlinking/distribution In India under relevant guidelines are eligible to be streamed on Prasar Bharati's OTT platform. Similarly only those FAST Channels will be eligible for on-boarding on PB’s OTT Application which have only that content which has alreasy been broadcasted by satellite channels, permitted/licensed by the Ministry of I&B for downlinking/distribution in India under relevant guidelines
Only Companies holding permission/license from Ministry of I&B for downlinking/distribution of satellite TV channel can apply to come on Prasar Bharati’s OTT platform In respect of its own permitted/licensed channels.
Categorisation of channels:
To ensure diverse range of content on the Platform, initially private TV channels for placement on Prasar Bharati’s OTT Platform are broadly categorized as under:
i) News & Current Affairs- National Channels of Hindi language.
ii) News & Current Affairs-English
iii) General Entertainment (GEC) (Non-News & Current Affairs)- National channels
iv) General Entertainment (GEC) (Non-News & Current Affairs)- Regional channels
v) Other genre/language channels
The revenue share will be in the ratio of 65:35 of the net revenue earned from the channel (65% to channel & 35 % to Prasar Bharati). Net revenue for this purpose is defined as revenue earned from the channel after adjusting all costs borne by Prasar Bharati for the respective channel Such as transcoding cost, CDN cost, commission of the Ad agency hired for Ad insertion.
Advertisements on OTT stream will be Inserted by Prasar Bharati, at appropriate juncture of the stream as per the availability of SCTE-35 marker. The unsold inventory, if any on the channel, shall be shared among Prasar Bharati & broadcaster for monetization or telecasting own promos/fillers In the ratio of 65:35.
In the event of monetization of unsold inventory by the broadcaster, the revenue share will remain same i.e. 65:35 of the net revenue earned from the channel (65% to channel & 35 % to Prasar Bharati).
Prasar Bharati will spend maximum up to 10% of the Net Project Cost excluding GST and other taxes on the marketing of contents as per the extant policy in case of commissioned programme.
Content Sourcing Division
- The Content Sourcing Division at Doordarshan Directorate (HQ) and Content Sourcing Divisions at Zonal Levels (for the regional channels) are the nodal divisions for sourcing of content for all platforms of Prasar Bharati.
- Zonal Head (Content Ops) will also be the Zonal Head (Content Sourcing Division) of their respective Zones. Content Operations section at Zonal Level will also work as Content Sourcing Division at Zonal level.Head(s) of Programme of Doordarshan Kendra(s) shall assist & provide secretarial support for content sourcing, if needed, to respective Zonal Head (Content Sourcing Division).
- The Content Sourcing Division (Doordarshan Directorate (HQ) & Zonal Level) shall hold periodic meetings with concerned Head(s) of Programme to understand thelr content requirements. Besides this, Content Sourcing Divisions shall also meet Production Houses/Producers/Rights’ Owners/Aggregators to understand the market dynamics, from time to time.
- ‘If the content involves multiple language versions then Content Sourcing Division at Doordarshan Directorate (HQ) or Content Sourcing Divisions at Zonal Level may source the content as per suitability e.g. if the content is in Tamil Language with multiple language versions then Content Sourcing Division (South Zone) may source the content for other language versions too.
Prasar Bharati commissions content, which implies production of fresh programmes, from outside Producer(s)/ Production House(s) with either full or partial budgetary support from Prasar Bharati, Government/ Non-Government Body etc. in accordance with content requirement of its linear channels & digital platforms including OTT, to complement and supplement its in-house production and/or to bring variety and diversity in its programmes.
For the same, it may commission content either on Fixed Budget or Assessed Budget methods. Fixed/Assessed budget may also be considered in Co-Production of programme /Public Private Partnership.
Inviting and selecting content proposals
Keeping in view of the requirements of channel(s)/digital platform(s) including OTT (based on content strategy and requirement of programmes in each genre based on rating/viewing trends), the concerned content sourcing division, in consultation with or on request of Head(s), will invite proposal to source content under suitable commissioning procedure.
The pubcaster can invite such proposals from through notification on its websites/or on any other communication platform as deemed fit. The Notice for Inviting Programme Proposals (NIPP) would mention the budgeting method.
Further, any producer/ production house who fulfils the criteria mentioned in the NIPP may submit the proposal by paying processing fee of Rs 25,000/- (non-refundable) and providing required information.
Once the proposal is received, the scrutiny shall be done by Content Sourcing Division to verify whether documents are in order & processing fee has been paid.
Further, the shortlisted proposals after scrutiny will be evaluated by Evaluation Committee and the shortlisted shall be asked to give a presentation before the committee.
Evaluation Committee at Doordarshan comprises of Head of concerned Content Sourcing Division, Head of Programme (HoP)/Programme in-charge of concerned Channel/Platform or their Representative, Head of Sales and Marketing ‘representative of Sales Wing at Zonal level, as the case may be; Members (1-2) from the Government /Non-Government body only if the programme is being partially or fully funded by Government /Non-Government body and one outside expert.
The pubcaster has also shared that financial bids/proposals will be considered only of those respondents who secure a qualifying technical score.
Prasar Bharati can also make or use a standardised rate contract. The detailed rate contract may be arrived at after the two stage bid Process by inviting the proposal through open NIPP.
Delivery of Content
After the agreement between Prasar Bharati and the producer, the latter shall submit all the episodes/content of the programme. The script of the programme shall be cleared by Content Sourcing Division within 4-6 weeks.
The Content Sourcing Division shall have an approved list of Programme Officers/Retired Programme Officers of Doordarshan/ Outside experts for evaluation of script(s).
The following timeframe should be adhered to for the delivery of the content involving episodes:
-The Production House /Producer, in case of a weekly or bi-weekly programme, shall provide @ bank of 10 episodes or full content whichever is less, at least one month before the date of telecast/broadcast/stream of the first episode.
-In case more episodes per week are to be telecast/broadcast/streamed the producer shall submit a bank of 22 episodes or full content whichever is less, at least one month before the date of telecast/broadcast/streamed of the first episode.
-At any point of time it must be ensured that the production house /producer, for weekly or bi-weekly programme(s), should have had submitted a bank of minimum 10 episodes at least one month before, and a bank of minimum 22 episodes, at least one month before, in case of programmes with more episodes per week.
Prasar Bharati will preview the content and provide its feedback within the specified timeframe. The final telecast master after the corrections, if any, will be submitted by Production House/Producer at least 03 days before the telecast/broadcast/streaming of the first episode of the week.
However, the requirement related to date of telecast/broadcast/streeming and submission of episodes/content can be modified by mutual agreement between Prasar Bharati and Production House /Producer on suitable grounds.
It is to be noted that the delivery of content to Prasar Bharati shall be the responsibility of producer and no expense in this regard shall be reimbursed by the pubcaster.
For the preview of the commissioned and so produced content, an appropriate preview structure may be devised by the content sourcing division as per the requirement (the volume of content to be previewed) with the approval of the CEO, PB.
In the policy, it is also mentioned that from time to time, Prasar Bharat shall identify topics/subjects of national significance /wholesome entertainment and occasion-specific theme for direct assignment to shortlisted producers with full justification in conformity.
Functions and Powers of Corporation:
- to negotiate for purchase of, or otherwise acquire, programmes and rights or privileges in respect of sports and other events, films, serials, occasions, meetings, functions or incidents of public interest, for broadcasting and to establish procedures for the allocation of such programmes, rights or privileges to the services;
- to conduct or commission, from time to time, programmes, audience research, market or technical service, which may be released to such persons and in such manner and subject to such terms and conditions as the Corporation may think fit;
- Proposals on themes identified by Prasar Bharati from select Producers or Production houses.
The policy has also outlines stages of payment for episodes and programmes.
For commissioned programmes, Prasar Bharati shall be at liberty to terminate the Agreement at any time by giving one month notice to the Production House/Producer irrespective of number of episodes produced or for which the work is in progress.
Revenue Share Mode
The content sourced through this policy shall be in accordance with the notified extant Programme Code of Prasar Bharati.
Programmes imported by private individuals or organizations in accordance with such policy as may be laid by the Government for such Imports, may be offered to Prasar Bharati for telecast/broadcast/streaming under the sponsorship scheme provided the import has been made strictly in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the Government of India and does not contravene FEMA regulations and provisions of relevant rules of GFR 2022 & Make in India purchase preference.
The total contract value for the content sourced under Revenue Share shall be the monetary value of the Free Commercial Time (FCT) available to Prasar Bharati in the Revenue Share programme in the first telecast/broadcast/streaming of the episode plus applicable GST on the date of signing the agreement.
For Linear Network of Prasar Bharati the acquisition under the revenue share mode shall be 70:30 (Share of Production House(s)/Producer(s)/Rights’ owner(s)/ Aggregator(s) will be 70% & share of Prasar Bharati will be 30%).
If marketing is done by Production House(s)/Producer(s)/Rights’owner(s)/ Agaregator(s), the revenue share for all programmes under RSM shall be 65:35 (Share of Production House(s)/Producer(s)/Rights’ owner(s)/Aggregator(s) will be65% & share of Prasar Bharati will be 35%) if marketing is done by Prasar Bharati.
For OTT and other Digital platforms, the acquisition under the revenue share mode will be as under:
Sharing of revenue for the programme to be placed under AVOD:
The revenue share for all programmes under RSM from the advertisement placed on the programme shall be 65:35 (Share of Production House(s)/Producer(s)/Rights’ owner(s)/ Aggregator(s) will be 65% & share of Prasar Bharati will be 35%) of net revenue (after deducting the operational costs), as the marketing will be done by Prasar Bharati. Net revenue for this purpose is defined as revenue earned from the advertisements on the Programmes on PB OTT after adjusting all costs borne by Prasar Bharati for the App, such as transcoding cost, CDN cost, etc. as applicable.
Sharing of revenue for the programme to be placed under SVOD:
i. The revenue will be shared on the basis of hourly viewing. The per hour rate will be decided by the Management Committee.
Sharing of revenue for the programme to be placed under TVOD:
ji. The revenue share for all programmes under RSM from the revenue collected from rent/transaction-based viewing for each programme placed under TVOD shall be 65:35 (Share of Production House(s)/Producer(s)/Rights’ owner(s)/ Aggregator(s) will be 65% & share of Prasar Bharati will be 35%) of net revenue (after deducting the operational costs), as the marketing will be done by Prasar Bharati.Net revenue for this purpose is defined as revenue earned from the advertisements on the Programmes on PB OTT after adjusting all costs borne by Prasar Bharati for the App, such as transcoding cost, CDN cost, etc. as applicable.
The Policy further outlines provisions for the License Fee/Royalty (except Feature Films and Songs), sourcing of feature films, sourcing of songs, and sourcing of sports content.