“With them the Seed of Wisdom did I sow, And with my own hand labour'd it to grow: And this was all the Harvest that I reap'd -- "I came like Water and like Wind I go."
Rubaaiyat of Omar Khayyam
English translation by Edward FitzGerald
I knew Bhaskar Das for more than fifteen years.
I knew him as a business executive, media personality, scholar, marketing enthusiast, quizzer, client, and friend.
He was an original.
His enthusiasm was in inexhaustible and infectious. A child in him had never grown up.
Lifelong, he persevered in the quest of knowledge and his thirst for learning was unquenchable.
He was also very receptive to the good in others. Bhaskar had another unique quality , which was that he was consistent, irrespective of the context, situation or his personal need. I have had occasion to be with him in meetings with very important people and the knowledge that they were of consequence to him made no difference to his behaviour or his views.
When he was battling cancer, he often updated me on his triumphs and tribulations.
Though a realist, he was always an optimist first.
I shall miss him and his “Suno Shubhrangshu…” calls.
Bhaskar Da, RIP.