X's global affairs head, Nick Pickles, announced his departure from the social media company on Thursday after a decade-long tenure. Pickles, who joined Twitter in 2014 and rose to the position of Vice President of Global Affairs at X, stated that he had made the decision to leave several months ago and was working closely with CEO Linda Yaccarino during the transition.
While the reasons for Pickles' departure remain unclear, his resignation comes amidst a series of high-profile exits from the company. In June, X's head of business operations, Joe Benarroch, left the company, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Pickles played a crucial role in X's interactions with various governments, serving as the company's spokesperson in battles with countries such as Brazil. Last week, Brazil suspended access to X after the company failed to meet a court-imposed deadline to appoint a legal representative. Musk has accused the Brazilian government of censorship, while the judge overseeing the case has insisted that X needs stricter hate speech regulations.